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Uruguay #1 Business & Innovation Hub in Latin America Presentation
Uruguay positions itself as the #1 business and innovation Hub in Latin America and a gateway to the region.
Uruguay positions itself as the #1 business and innovation hub in Latin America and a gateway to the region.
In Uruguay, foreign companies can start their business in a region as attractive as it is complex, minimizing risks, as well as centralizing trade, leadership and regional business support, either distributing or producing goods and services for the region and the world.
Uruguay consistently ranks #1 in Latin America in all international indexes related to DEMOCRACY, LOW CORRUPTION, RESPECT FOR REGULATIONS, TRANSPARENCY, CIVIL LIBERTIES AND SOCIAL MOBILITY. It is also a country with a strong respect for the rules of the game and the essential fundamentals of economic activity, been currently the only Mercosur country with investment grade.
Our country also has a high commitment to the care of the environment, embodied in laws and state policies, we are #3 worldwide in clean energy with an energy matrix averaging over 94% of renewable sources in recent years.
Uruguay stands out for being a peaceful, safe and open country to live in. It has a vast cultural, gastronomic and educational offer, and its capital Montevideo has been consecutively elected as the city with the best quality of life in Latin America, according to the Mercer Index.
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