Facilitation of access to residences in Uruguay

Uruguay XXI is promoting a procedure that facilitates access to temporary residencies in Uruguay to encourage the attraction of talent.

Now, temporary residencies – with a period of more than six months but less than two years – granted to investors, operators, technicians, managers, and middle management linked to exporting companies will be authorized by the National Immigration Directorate (DNM) within a shortened timeframe through the Fast-track tool.

Any foreigner hired by local or international exporting companies can apply for the facilitation of a visa and/or temporary residency, whether they are in Uruguay or abroad. The required documents will depend on their country of origin.

For inquiries: fast-track@uruguayxxi.gub.uy

Access more information here about the required documentation for residencies.

Below are the necessary documents and steps:

Check which nationalities require a visa here and access the list of Consular Offices of Uruguay here.

The contracting exporting company must send an email to Uruguay XXI with a request note for a visa and/or temporary residency according to each case. This note will then be forwarded to the National Immigration Directorate for the corresponding processing.

  • Work visa (see the letter here).
  • Business visa (the person enters Uruguay for a short period related to work, such as conferences or meetings) (see the letter here).


For applicants from Mercosur member and associated countries who begin the process in Uruguay:

  • STEP 1: The contracting exporting company must send an email to Uruguay XXI with a request for MERCOSUR temporary residency (see model here). Family members can be included in the company's letter. All the documentation outlined in this document must be gathered.
  • STEP 2: Then, the person must start the online process here and proceed to pay the associated fees. Find here the step-by-step guide to initiate the online process.
  • STEP 3: Finally, contact Uruguay XXI to schedule an appointment at the National Immigration Directorate.

*Member and associated countries: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Suriname.


For applicants from countries that are not part of Mercosur and who begin the process in Uruguay:
  • STEP 1: The contracting exporting company must send an email to Uruguay XXI with a request for temporary residency (see model here). Family members can be included in the company’s letter. All the documentation outlined in this document must be gathered.
  • STEP 2: Then, the person must initiate the online process here and proceed to pay the associated fees. Find here the step-by-step guide to begin the online process.
  • STEP 3: Finally, contact Uruguay XXI to schedule an appointment at the National Immigration Directorate.
