
It is a tool developed in strategic alliance between Uruguay XXI and the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (in spanish INEFOP) and its strategy is to facilitate the development and access to talent for new investments with an emphasis on exports that are oriented to the generation of new jobs.

The program is aimed at supporting the demand of companies through co-financing for the implementation of training plans aimed at developing technical competencies or soft skills of workers, in order to incorporate them to their staff.

It allows financing -on a non-reimbursable basis- up to 70% of the costs of training plans at the companies' request.

Additionally, the program has a specific modality that promotes intensive digital training (bootcamps) in companies, which provides for higher subsidy amounts, subject to special requirements.

How to access?

The program will work as an open window for the presentation of training proposals and may also make specific calls. The modalities are as follows:


To access the co-financing, the steps to follow are as follows:

1. Once approved, Uruguay XXI will issue an Award Resolution and the company may begin training.

2. Submit the application form and the required documentation at least 15 days prior to the start of the training.

3. After submitting it, the Specialized Committee will evaluate the proposal (Committee members have 10 days to evaluate the proposal or it is considered approved).

4. Once the training has been completed, the proponents must submit a report to Uruguay XXI, together with the respective proof of payment. Once the rendering is done, the following month after its presentation the company will receive the corresponding reimbursement.

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