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100pleate + had a new edition
Publication date: 03/12/2017
Last Wednesday, November 8, the fourth employment and mobility meeting of the Faculty of Sciences took place, 100pleate +. This year the proposal to bring students, graduates and companies closer, incorporated institutions that manage academic mobility programs for students who want to train abroad
The initiative is co-organized with the portal Smart Talent -www.smarttalent.uy- of the Uruguay XXI Institute, the Association of Science Graduates and the National Chamber of Commerce and Services. It also has the auspices of the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP), Science Park and El País, and has been declared of national interest..
At the opening of the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Dr. Juan Cristina, the Executive Director of the Uruguay XXI Institute, Antonio Carámbula, and the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Ernesto Murro, welcomed him.
The 100pleate + program included talks by two graduates of the Faculty of Sciences working in the productive sector: Laura Macció, biologist, founder and CEO of ARAVANLABS, a microbiology company with 100% national capital incubated in Khem (incubator of Polo companies) Tecnológico de Pando) and Agustina Olivera, biochemist specialized in the study of native yeasts, who also runs an independent private laboratory for research and biotechnology -LevTec- and the ecological brewery Oceánica, which produces organic beers.
Throughout the morning the exchange tables where representatives of companies and mobility institutions exchanged in a relaxed atmosphere with more than 150 students about the work performance in companies, the training and skills that value human resources departments and what the opportunities to study abroad are.
The Khem incubator, the National Seed Institute, the Institut Pasteur Montevideo, Mega Pharma, Schandy, SigmaPlus, GXP and Zonamerica Solutions participated in the area of companies. The international mobility and cooperation institutions that joined the initiative were the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of the University of the Republic.
There was also an instance of CV Checking conducted by the ManpowerGroup consultancy, which was promoted by Smart Talent, in which more than 25 students received advice on how to put together a CV for the world of work.
At the close of the meeting there was a talk with recommendations to put together the CV and prepare a job interview by specialists from Manpower Group and another with recommendations on how to prepare an application for scholarships for graduate studies by the ANII
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