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Government added Uruguay Audiovisual Program to the country's production potential
The new incentive for the sector launched the call for its lines for international audiovisual productions and for international audiovisual advertising production.

With the aim of promoting the development of the audiovisual sector in the country through the strengthening of local capacities, the professionalization of the different links in the sector's value chain and the competitive incorporation of the country into the international production market, the Uruguay Audiovisual Program (PUA) launched its incentive lines for international audiovisual and advertising productions to be made in Uruguay.
The program, which is governed by an inter-institutional committee with representatives from the National Development Agency (ANDE), the Uruguayan Film and Audiovisual Institute (ICAU), the National Directorate of Telecommunications and Audiovisual Communication Services (DINATEL) and Uruguay XXI, has already launched the call for the International and Advertising lines.
The PUA's International Line supports foreign audiovisual productions produced totally or partially in Uruguay, such as production services for feature films, short films, video clips, animations, documentaries, television series and new formats for distribution on digital platforms.
The project submitted must be for at least USD 300,000 and pre-production, production and/or post-production activities to be carried out in Uruguayan territory will be considered. The National Development Agency (ANDE) will reimburse this type of project a percentage of the total amount invested, with a maximum amount of support depending on the category of project applied for.
For more information and applications for the International Line, click here.
The international audiovisual advertising production line supports foreign audiovisual advertising productions produced totally or partially in Uruguay.
The projects must have at least USD 300,000 of expenses executed in Uruguay and correspond to the same advertiser. In this case the reimbursement will be up to 20% of the total amount of the project, with a maximum support ceiling of USD 100,000.
For more information and to apply for the Advertising Production Line, click here.
In both cases the call for proposals is open from February 1, 2021 and will remain open as long as funds are available.