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First official mission 2018 from Uruguay to China
In order to strengthen cooperation between both countries and promote investment in ICT, Uruguay XXI accompanies the first official mission of the year to China, led by Minister Carolina Cosse.

The executive director of Uruguay XXI, Antonio Carámbula accompanies the delegation led by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Eng. Carolina Cosse. The mission includes a large agenda of activities between January 31 and February 6, 2018.
This is the first official mission to China this year, in the framework of the 30-year agenda of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, after the recent visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and after the Chinese meeting -CELAC held weeks ago in Santiago de Chile.
In statements made to the Secretariat of Communication of the Presidency, the executive director of Uruguay XXI, Antonio Carámbula stressed the importance of this first mission to the Asian country, within the framework of the current strategic partnership agreement signed in 2016 by the presidents Tabaré Vázquez and Xi Jinping, which underpins bilateral cooperation and trade.
In addition to the director Antonio Carámbula, the management and executives of the Global Services Program of Uruguay XXI and representatives of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining participate in the mission. The mission is headed by the president of the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technologies (CUTI), Leonardo Loureiro, representatives of 25 companies in the sector and the head of the Uruguay-China Chamber of Commerce, Gabriel Rozman.
The main objective of the trip, which is carried out in close collaboration with the Uruguayan embassy in China, is the promotion of trade between this country and Uruguay, the attraction of investments in the information and communication technologies sector, as well as the exchange with some of the most important technology firms in the country, both in the city of Shenzhen (province of Canton), and in the capital, Beijing.
Meetings with the China International Trade Promotion Agency (CCPIT) are also scheduled, along with Uruguay XXI organizing the 11th China-LAC Summit.
During the tour, there are two business seminars dictated by Minister Cosse about business and investment opportunities in information and communication technologies in Uruguay. Said instances contemplate "B2B" business exchange spaces between the Chinese participants and the business delegation of our country.
China is Uruguay's main trading partner in terms of goods. In 2017, 28% of the total exported goods went to the People's Republic of China and our country is one of the most important exporters of meat to that country.
However, Uruguay still has a vast potential for exchange with China, either in the promotion of investment opportunities in infrastructure and technologies, such as in the promotion of traditional services, tourism and logistics.
The expansion of global services, with an emphasis on regional corporate centers, is another of Uruguay's business attractions, since the country is positioned worldwide as a hub -center or network of operations- oriented to high-quality corporate services. .
Its strategic location and access to an expanded market, institutional trust and macroeconomic strength, legislation favorable to the installation of productive investments, as well as Uruguay's leadership in communication, clean energies, fiber optics, internet penetration and availability of human talent , are some of the factors that make Uruguay highly competitive in this regard.