Gramado Summit Punta del Este: "The revolution is happening here in Uruguay."

The first edition of the Brazilian event held in Punta del Este brought together Uruguayan and Brazilian entrepreneurs with the promise of transforming the technological ecosystem of the region
Publication date: 26/09/2024

Punta del Este, Uruguay, became the epicenter of innovation with the inauguration of the first edition of the Gramado Summit, which crossed the borders of Brazil. The event gathered entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and investors to explore opportunities and synergies between Uruguayan and Brazilian entrepreneurs. The opening was led by Marcus Rossi, CEO of Gramado Summit, along with the Minister of Industry, Energy, and Mining, Elisa Facio, and the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Remo Monzeglio.

Marcus Rossi opened the event with enthusiasm, stating, “The revolution is happening here in Uruguay. It’s a pleasure to bring this event to help internationalize Brazilian companies.” He also emphasized that the turnout exceeded his initial expectations. “The goal was to have 1,500 participants, and now we have nearly 2,000. This is incredible and marks a milestone in our history,” he said.

Rossi also shared his vision for the future of the event: “We want Gramado Summit not only to establish itself in Uruguay but to become an international event connecting all of South America in the next five years. Punta del Este is home for us, an international destination where we hope to welcome Uruguayans, Argentinians, and also people from Europe and the United States,” he pointed out.

Uruguayan Minister of Industry, Energy, and Mining, Elisa Facio, also participated in the opening of the meeting and highlighted the connection between Brazil and Uruguay. “Gramado and Punta del Este are cities with many things in common. Both are vibrant and ready to collaborate,” she stated. She added that “Uruguay has a long history of talented and well-recognized professionals in the world. It is essential for Uruguayans to look to the world to grow our businesses.”

Facio recalled the efforts that the Uruguayan government has made in developing innovation and the technological ecosystem. “We created the Uruguay Innovation Hub to consolidate the advantages and benefits that Uruguay has, with an institutional framework that continues to push forward,” she stated.

The Deputy Minister of Tourism celebrated the arrival of this edition and welcomed international participants, inviting them to enjoy the unique charm offered by Uruguay's main resort, which is now the first international venue for the Brazilian event.

One of the highlights came with the talk by Sebastián Risso, Executive Director of Uruguay XXI, who explained the business opportunities that the country offers and introduced the new sector brand, Uruguay Technology.

“This event provides a unique platform to connect Uruguayan and Brazilian entrepreneurs. It is a milestone for our tech industry. Tech companies in Brazil are born with a national mindset, while in Uruguay we think globally. This creates a perfect synergy between both countries,” he explained.

He also emphasized the growth potential that Uruguay offers for Brazilian startups. “We tell Brazilians to continue their operations in Brazil but to come to Uruguay to take advantage of the benefits our country offers to reach the world,” he explained, ensuring that “Uruguay is an easy country to do business in, with talent and a high quality of life. Moreover, our companies are born with an export mindset.”

In an interview with international media, the CEO of Gramado Summit shared a clear vision for the future: “Punta del Este will not only be home to the second edition, but in five years we expect to have a Gramado Summit larger than the one in Brazil. There is significant room for internationalization,” he projected.

Learn more about Uruguay's technology investment ecosystem here.
