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I Forum of European Investment in Uruguay

Uruguay XXI and the Delegation of the European Union in Uruguay invite leading companies from Europe and the region interested in the trade and investment opportunities offered by Uruguay as a gateway to Latin American markets at the First European Investment Forum in Uruguay. The event will be held on June 21 and 22 at the Radisson Hotel.
The Forum is aimed at companies and European business leaders interested in developing new business in Uruguay and in Latin American markets. Participating companies will have the opportunity to meet counterparts and authorities, listen to the corporate experiences of the investment referents and hold personalized meetings with potential business partners.
At the same time, they can make technical visits to companies of interest, know the Uruguayan network of free zones and industrial parks, participate in discussion panels of different sectors and acquire a detailed knowledge of the Uruguayan policy of attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). . It is a unique opportunity for high-level entrepreneurs from both continents to create strategic alliances with each other.
During the Forum, infrastructure and energy, logistics and distribution, global export services and agribusiness will be prioritized as investment sectors.
In the presentation of the First European Investment Forum in Uruguay, Antonio Carámbula, executive director of Uruguay XXI, reported that a total of 400 attendees are expected, of which a quarter will be European companies and potential investors..
The main topics to be discussed will be the importance of relations between Latin America and the European Union, the opportunities and investment climate in Latin America and specifically in Mercosur, and the European Union's tools and programs to encourage investment.
In 2016, Uruguay's exports to the EU grew 5%. Uruguayan exports to the European Union show an increasing trend since 2014, which in turn has allowed it to increase its participation as a destination block for Uruguayan external sales. While in 2014 almost 15% of exports went to the European bloc, in the last year this percentage grew to reach 19.2%.Más información y registro:
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