Latin America’s Top Business Leaders Choose Uruguay For Business andLiving

The founder of MercadoLibre, Marcos Galperín, and the CEO of Globant, Martín Migoya, have been based in the country for several years
Publication date: 12/07/2024

Uruguay continues to stand out as the country of choice for living. Some Latin America’s leading business people choose it to base their operations and develop their personal lives. This reality became evident again in the third edition of the report “CEOs Change Makers of Latin America,” carried out by the consulting firm Horse, which specializes in big data-based strategy.

The ranking measures the performance and influence of business leaders in the region. This year, the Argentine Marcos Galperín, CEO of MercadoLibre, is at the top of the list of Latin America’s 100 most innovative entrepreneurs, followed by the founder of the Brazilian neobank Nubank, David Vélez, and Martín Migoya, the CEO of Globant, the Argentine technology company.

The first three executives lived in Uruguay. Currently, both Galperín and Migoya live in the country with their families, and just a couple of years ago, the Colombian-Brazilian Vélez also lived in Uruguay with his wife, where they arrived in search of security, reported the business portal DF SUD.

Given this coincidence, the portal also wonders why the country attracts wealthy residents. And it answers: “Uruguay has better social indicators than its neighbors, which is reflected in the security indexes. Greater economic and political stability than the regional average, as well as tax incentives to attract new residents, mainly from Brazil and Argentina, and a recent reduction in the length of stay requirements to become a resident”.

Uruguay’s strategy of attracting investment based on a favorable business climate and consolidated political and economic stability has paid off in several ways. Today, the world knows about Uruguay’s attractions, which go beyond its outstanding position as a business center and innovation hub and extend to its peaceful and diverse environment, which can attract professionals and prominent business leaders.

In addition to its outstanding macroeconomic and political stability in the region, Uruguay stands out for the quality of its human talent. With universal and unrestricted access to all levels of education, the country has competitive, highly qualified, and multilingual professionals. Uruguay is progressively consolidating its position as a talent center, continuously attracting skilled migrants who find significant job opportunities in the country.

A high quality of life and a dynamic and innovative business landscape make Uruguay an ideal hub for regional and global operations and for those seeking to live in harmony in a safe and secure country.
