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Más Comercio 2023 completes a successful tour through all departments to boost their exports
With 12 workshops, 41 company mentoring sessions, and more than 480 participants, the Uruguay XXI program advised companies on exporting their products to the world.

With the vision of reaching all the country’s departments and supporting companies to start or strengthen their export plans, the government agency for promoting investments, exports, and country image, Uruguay XXI, carried out the cycle of workshops “MORE TRADE. More markets, more investment.”
In 2023, the initiative extended its scope and visited nine departments in total, adding to those of its first edition in 2022, allowing it to cover the entire country. Más Comercio traveled more than 10,500 kilometers between the two editions, 22 workshops were held with 750 participants, and 85 personalized mentoring sessions were held for companies.
With 12 workshops and 483 participants in 2023, Más Comercio was this year in Maldonado, Canelones (Santa Lucía, Pando, and Ciudad de la Costa), Durazno, San José, Río Negro (Fray Bentos and Young), Artigas, Montevideo, Lavalleja and Treinta y Tres.
The cycle of workshops provides tools for entering the internationalization process and addresses critical issues for boosting exports. In this context, Uruguay XXI provided personalized mentoring to 41 companies and identified four projects that required investment, which were added to its project portfolio.
“This cycle is crucial to approaching small and medium-sized companies in the interior to help them embark on the export path. Companies that export are more innovative, competitive, and profitable. In addition, they strengthen the business fabric and contribute to employment and citizens’ quality of life. That is why this is a key project for Uruguay XXI,” said the executive director of Uruguay XXI, Sebastián Risso.
Uruguay XXI organizes the Más Comercio meetings with the collaboration of the departmental governments, the National Development Agency (ANDE) and the SME centers, the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU), and El Correo, in addition to other local organizations and institutions that join in each instance.
In 2024, Más Comercio will return with its tour of the country's interior to continue supporting companies' export development.