New Report Highlights Potential for Exporting Uruguayan Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Services

Uruguay XXI participated in the presentation of a sector report prepared by PwC during a CUSAI event and explained its work to promote the internationalization of the sector.
Publication date: 18/12/2024

As part of the year-end event of the Uruguayan Chamber of Architecture and Engineering Services (CUSAI), Uruguay XXI participated in the presentation of the report on the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector prepared by PwC. This document, aimed at promoting the internationalization of companies in the industry, offers a detailed diagnosis of the productive profile of AEC services in Uruguay and a strategic characterization of the destination markets, which include Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia.

The report identifies Paraguay as the sector’s leading export destination, followed by other American countries comprising nine main markets. Eighty-five companies from the industry participated in preparing the study, reinforcing its representativeness and relevance.

Read the report here.

During the conference, Uruguay XXI presented its work plan for 2025, which was designed to consolidate and expand the Uruguayan sector’s international presence. This project aims to support companies already exporting, helping them increase added value and consolidation in global markets and those seeking to take their first steps in exporting.

According to the report, 71% of companies in the sector consider exporting a key strategic component for their future. In this sense, differentiation strategies based on quality and specialization and the ability to adapt to global trends stand out as determining factors for success in internationalization.

The event underlined the importance of keeping the Uruguayan AEC sector at the forefront of global trends, with the aim of positioning Uruguay as a regional benchmark in architecture, engineering, and construction services.
