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Uruguay supports international audiovisual productions totally or partially produced in its territory.
Through the Program "Uruguay Audiovisual", reimbursements of up to 25% of eligible expenses may be accessed. Applications must be submitted by October 15, 2020.

Uruguay, through its Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), the NAtional Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual (ICAU), the Ministry of Industry (MIEM), the National Development Agency (ANDE) and Uruguay XXI, the country's image, export and investment promotion agency, launched the Uruguay Audiovisual Program (PUA) - International Productions component.
The general objective of this initiative is to attract international productions that contribute to the improvement of local capacities, the professionalization of the sector and the competitive incorporation of the country in the international production market.
Support will be given to foreign audiovisual productions produced totally or partially in Uruguay, such as feature films, television series or those destined for transmission via the Internet (OTT), as well as other large audiovisual content that is not advertising and that carries out pre-production, production and/or postproduction activities in Uruguayan territory.
Eligible projects with a net expenditure between USD 600,000 and USD 1 million will receive 20% reimbursement up to USD 200,000 and those with more than USD 1 million will receive 25% reimbursement up to USD 400,000.
The call is open until 15th October 2020. The bases for the registration of proposals are available here.
Download the documents of interest.
PUA Bases in English
Application form - Detail of the project
Application form - Production plan
Application form - Budget