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Uruguay celebrates its National Day at Expo Dubai with official mission led by President Luis Lacalle Pou
The delegation, made up of several authorities, will be accompanied by more than 50 Uruguayan companies that are committed to creating and strengthening commercial ties.

Within the framework of Uruguay's presence at Expo Dubai 2020, the first universal exposition to take place in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia region, an official mission headed by President Luis Lacalle Pou will take place.
The visit will take place from Sunday, February 20 to Tuesday, February 22, with a delegation formed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Francisco Bustillo, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Azucena Arbeleche, the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Omar Paganini, the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Fernando Mattos, the Minister of Tourism, Tabaré Viera and Sebastián Risso and Inés Bonicelli, director and deputy executive director, respectively, of the investment, export and country image promotion agency, Uruguay XXI. In addition, representatives of national chambers and institutes and more than 50 companies from different sectors will be present at the meeting, convened by Uruguay XXI.
The agenda will include official meetings with Emirati authorities and highlights the celebration of Uruguay Day at Expo Dubai, which will take place on February 21 and will include a protocol ceremony with the authorities participating in the mission. In addition, the opening ceremony of LATU's LSQA office in Dubai will take place.
The day, which will see Uruguay's pavilion at the universal exposition dressed up and open to the public, will also feature a performance of Suite Gardel by the SODRE dance troupe at the Millennium Amphitheater of Expo Dubai.
Uruguay's day will culminate with a reception hosted by President Luis Lacalle Pou with the participation of representatives of the Uruguayan government and companies that are part of the mission, as well as Emirati authorities and businessmen specially invited to the event. There, in addition to top-level networking, guests will be able to enjoy a cocktail with Uruguayan cheeses, meats and wines of the highest quality.
On February 22, Uruguay XXI will hold a country presentation and business networking event with Emirati counterparts. On the same day in the morning there will be a meeting that will include the signing of a document of understanding between the National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Uruguay and the Dubai Chamber. Both events will have as keynote speaker the Minister of Economy and Finance, Azucena Arbeleche. The day will end with a reception hosted by HSBC Bank.
Accompanying and supporting this mission are Bodega Garzón, the National Meat Institute (INAC), Conaprole, the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU), the National Institute of Viticulture (INAVI), ANTEL, Banco República Oriental del Uruguay, UTE and the rice agro-industrial company, COOPAR.
Uruguay will participate until March 31 in Expo Dubai, a universal exhibition that brings together more than 200 participants, including countries, multilateral organizations, companies and educational institutions. There, Uruguay will be presented as a business center in South America and a reference in agro-intelligent production, technologies and clean energies. Under the slogan "Test Uruguay", it invites attendees to learn first-hand about its essentially innovative character, with qualified talent and open doors for those who choose it to live, work and invest.