Uruguay Emerges as an Innovative and Sustainable Agro-Export Hub

The second edition of Agro en Punta has the support of the Uruguay country brand and a promotional stand that showcases the investment opportunities the country offers.
Publication date: 05/02/2025

The second edition of Agro en Punta reaffirms Uruguay’s role as a benchmark in the agro-export sector, combining innovation, sustainability, and business. President Luis Lacalle Pou, Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries Fernando Mattos, and Luiz Ros, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) representative for Uruguay, led the opening.

Also participating in this event were the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Elisa Facio; the Minister of the Environment, Robert Bouvier; the interim Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicolás Albertoni; the Mayor of Maldonado, Enrique Antía; and Sebastián Risso and Eduardo Rodríguez, director and deputy director of Uruguay XXI, among other authorities and business people from the sector. The event is a key meeting point for the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors.

Three days have begun at the Punta del Este Convention Center to reaffirm Uruguayan agriculture’s key role in the future of global markets. The event, which is supported by the Uruguay country brand, has a country stand coordinated by Uruguay XXI. In this space, attendees can learn about investment opportunities in the agro-export sector and the engine of the country’s economy and explore Uruguay’s competitive advantages as a business and innovation hub in the region.

Likewise, at the stand, you can find out about the licensing of the Marca País (Country Brand) under LSQA certification for companies and Uruguay’s participation in Expo Osaka 2025, where the country will also showcase its sustainable production model and its innovation potential in the agri-food sector.

During the inauguration, President Luis Lacalle Pou underlined Uruguay’s role in the evolution of the agro-export sector and its potential for future growth. “Our country has enormous objective strengths. We are part of an evolutionary and forward-looking process, where Uruguay will continue to position itself as a key player in the agricultural world,” he said.

The Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Fernando Mattos, emphasized the importance of agriculture in the Uruguayan economy. “We are the most agricultural country in the world; the food, fibers, and biofuels that the world needs are generated here. Beyond that, we are also a source of employment and livelihood for those who live in rural areas. Our commitment is to guarantee sustainable production, with added value and quality certification”.

Mattos also highlighted Uruguay’s political and economic stability as a key factor in attracting investment and underlined the country’s leadership in the green economy. He recalled that our production system has traceability and sustainability certifications that position us as a reliable country for international markets.

The Minister recalled long-standing regulations and laws that support his effective plan for the sector. “The Forestry Law that protects the native forest, the soil use and management plan in force for 15 years, and the mandatory traceability in the livestock identification system are unique examples in the world of state policies that project us into the future and guarantee certifications demanded by international markets,” he said.

For his part, Luiz Ros, the IDB’s representative in Uruguay, highlighted the country’s innovative character. “Within the IDB, we always say that Uruguay is the region’s laboratory. When you want to think of something innovative, you think of Uruguay.” In this sense, he emphasized the importance of combining technological innovation with sustainability and inclusion.

“It is time to promote agriculture 2.0 and commit to digital transformation, irrigation efficiency, and innovation development in Uruguay. This country has an impressive innovative spirit, and we want to support its evolution towards even more sustainable production,” he said.

With several international delegations present, Agro en Punta promoted Uruguay’s productive excellence and showcased its capacity to lead sustainable development in the sector. Uruguay reaffirmed its commitment to a responsible and forward-looking production model in a context where traceability, certification, and innovation play an increasingly important role.
