Uruguay promotes its pioneering cannabis industry in Berlin

The country participates with a business delegation in the International Cannabis Business Conference and the Berlin Global Investment Forum.
Publication date: 15/07/2022

The investment, export and country brand promotion institute, Uruguay XXI, together with the Municipality of Canelones, the Chamber of Medical Cannabis Companies (CECAM) and a business delegation are participating in the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) and Berlin Global Investment Forum, which is being held in Germany between July 18 and 20.

The participation in these activities is aligned with the sectorial strategy of promoting the country as a hub for medical cannabis and provides an opportunity for companies seeking to learn about international trends and expand their business.

Meet the ICBC Uruguayan delegation here.

Uruguay has one of the most developed cannabis cultures in the world, being a pioneer in the legislation of the plant for its various uses. Since 2013 it has been regulating production, commercialization and consumption. It currently has 199 licenses granted and 38 under evaluation for cultivation, industrialization and research, which involves 219 companies operating at different stages of the chain.

The sector generates more than 1,000 direct jobs and since 2019 began a stable export stream. In 2021, USD 8.1 million were exported and so far in 2022, USD 4.4. Among the exported products, high THC flowers for medicinal use, low THC flowers for non-medicinal purposes and, to a lesser extent, medicines and seeds stand out.
