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TU Exporta is now operational
The scheme simplifies exports by micro and small enterprises.

TU Exporta is the new simplified regime that reduces procedures and costs of foreign sales for micro and small businesses, for amounts up to USD 2,000, to one or multiple clients and without limit of operations.
Since 25 November 2019, the new regime has been in place to boost foreign sales by micro and small enterprises, significantly facilitating procedures through the Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE). In addition to being a simple procedure, micro and small businesses selling abroad through the TU Exporta regime have simplified customs clearance, exemption from all taxes and duties and a special procedure for returned goods.
Textile, fashion, footwear, saddlery and accessories companies, as well as crafts, publishing and toys, are just some of the sectors in which the opportunity for profit has been detected through TU Exporta, the new tool that allows goods to be sold to any destination in the world for invoices less than or equal to USD 2,000, to one or multiple clients and with no limit on operations per year.
Companies must have a valid MSME certificate and the procedure is carried out by registering at the Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE), a foreign trade facilitation tool managed by Uruguay XXI to carry out electronically and from a single entry point all the procedures related to import, export and transit operations
The TU Exporta tool was promoted within the framework of the National System of Productive Transformation and Competitiveness -Transforma Uruguay- through the joint articulation of ministries, agencies and institutions of the system.
Learn more about TU EXPORTA