The Chamber of Industries of Uruguay represents and defends the interests of its members when dealing withpublic or private, national, regional and international entities.
Company's presentation
The Chamber of Industries of Uruguay represents and defends the interests of its members when dealing withpublic or private, national, regional and international entities.
Our main goal is to promote industrial strengthening.
In the Chamber we guide, relate and facilitate the insertion of our members in the international markets. We provide efficient services tailored to the needs of our members and the rest of the industrial sectorin order to consolidate their business growth.
Our main services are:
- Commercial Promotion and Technical Assistance: Exporters Development Program, advisory developing "tailor-made" services, participation in business missions, international trade fairs and business meeting organization – business rounds (International Business Center).
- Economic Counseling: Investment projects preparation and technical advice to investors considering the current regulatory framework that promotes and protects investment in our country (Department of Economic Studies).
- Services related to environmental management:design and operation of the first Hazardous Industrial Waste Landfill in Uruguay. Design and operation of the first Packaging Management Plan (Department of Environmental Management).
- Services associated with management tools: Advice on the preparation of industrial solid waste management plans; international standards; occupational health and safety; Strategic Planning with emphasis in Marketing and Commercial area; management of human capital, among others (Productivity Center).
- Labor Advisory: The CIU offers counseling in specific matters related to the current framework that regulates labor relations
- Consultancy services in innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Technology Management Center supports companies and entrepreneurs in the search for products, processes, forms of commercialization and business models with an innovative profile and also on their aim to reach the market. In addition, it assists companies in the professionalization and improvement of their processes through technical assistance, consultancy and links with different actors of the National Innovation System (academy, public sector, among others).
Whoever wants to invest in Uruguay, especially in an industrial and export project, will find an efficient service in our International Agreements Administration Division (DACI). Our services are adjusted to the highest international quality standards in terms of certification of origin required for exports, under the scope of different Preferential Trade Agreements subscribed by our country.
In the same way, any state supplier industry may also request the national origin certification of its products, to participate in public bidding processes and access to the benefits granted by promotional tools.
On the other hand, the Division of Foreign Trade Affairs Support (DANINT) offers advice on trade policy instruments, such as Temporary Admission, Preferential Trade Agreements, tariffs, regimes that promote export activity, among others.
Inconclusion , in the Chamber of Industries the investor will find a general, complete and accurate vision and orientation regarding our national in force instruments. This will contribute not only to the achievement of a successful internationalization process, butalso to the permanence in international markets.
Main areas of participation:
- International Labor Organization (ILO)
- International Organization of Employers (IOE)
- MERCOSUR Industrial Council (CIM)
- MERCOSUR Economic and Social Consultative Forum (FCES)
- Support to the official sector in International Negotiation processes: World Trade Organization (WTO), Administrative Commissions of Trade Agreements (FTA Uruguay- México, among others).
Staff: 75
Year of constitution : 1898
Languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Name: An. COEX César Bourdiel Lic. Flavia Del Fabro Responsable del Centro Internacional de Negocios (CIN) fdelfabro@ciu.com.uy
Position: Director
Phone: (598) 2604 0464
E-mail: cesarb@ciu.com.uy
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