CDS Ingenieros
We are an engineering company dedicated to the development of civil projects and construction management, based on knowledge and experience we provide our customers with comprehensive solutions for the creation, design and execution of their projects tailored to their needs.
Company's presentation
We are an engineering company dedicated to the development of civil projects and construction management, based on knowledge and experience we provide our customers with comprehensive solutions for the creation, design and execution of their projects tailored to their needs.
With a young and multidisciplinary team of specialized engineers and highly qualified in various areas of engineering, at CDS Ingenieros we offer efficient solutions to any engineering project.
Among the activities we develop are: road civil engineering projects in an integral way, urban and rural drainage projects; studies of transit including studies of demand and impact of transit, manual and automatic count of vehicles, studies of intersections, among others; technical evaluations of paving, feasibility studies, pavement design, geometric design of urban and rural roads, geometric design of level intersections and interchanges; and soil movement projects; management and direction of construction, ranging from the preparation of bidding documents, call to bidders and technical and economic evaluation of offers, to the technical direction of constructions; surveying services, soil studies, among others.
Rehabilitation Road Corridors in Paraguay: The Technical Unit FOCEM (UTF) awards to the firm CDS Ingenieros the call for the technical revision of the Modification Agreement (CM) N°3 of the Contract N°06/2009 for the execution of the Work Rehabilitation of the stretch Concepción -Pozo Colorado- with financing from the Fund for the Structural Convergence of Mercosur (FOCEM) and matching funds from the government of Paraguay, through the Loan Agreement COF N ° 06/07.
The objective was to prepare a technical opinion report on the presentation, by the EO, of the proposal for Modification Agreement (CM) N°3 of the Works Contract with the winning contractor, in order to complete the works of the Concepción - Pozo Section Colorado.
In this sense, it is coordinated with the UTF, the MOPC and the Ministry of Finance, a general visit of the works and issuance of a technical report on the technical feasibility, cost estimation and determination of the variation in the scope of the works of the CM presented.
FOCEM Project Audit in Paraguay: The FOCEM Project "Asphalt Paving on Stoned Pavement of the Route 2 Feeder, Regional Integration Corridor, Itacurubí de la Cordillera -Valenzuela- General Bernardino Caballero" was executed by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications of the Republic of Paraguay, Vice-Ministry of Public Works, Department of Roads.
The work done by CDS Ingenieros, was an External Audit of the paving work, in charge of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications of the Republic of Paraguay, in particular the physical advances and technical results obtained until July 2012 were audited.
An inspection was made to the site of the work, verifying progress and the quality of the works, and an audit of all the technical documentation of the project was carried out at the MOPC offices.
Forest Path in Nicaragua: Ecoplanet Bamboo SA as part of its forestry operation of harvest and withdrawal of the raw material (bamboo cane), is that it hires CDS Ingenieros for the advice in the drafting of procedures and constructive technical specifications for the later call at prices to potential road companies.
The main objective of the consultancy was the drafting of specific technical specifications (ETP) of the road works, as well as establishing a basic base of activities for the executions that allowed to make a call according to the requested requirements. Also the technical economic evaluation of the offers received and jointly establish a general schedule of activities for 2015.
Staff: 5
Year of constitution : 2013
Languages: Spanish, English and portuguese
Name: Diego Nollenberger Casto
Position: Director
Phone: 2605 8840-4725 6895
E-mail: dnollenberger@cdsingenieros.com
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