
GECOS is a national company dedicated to the development and implementation of computerized management solutions and the formulation of operating models.

Last update: 23/01/2018

Company's presentation

GECOS is a national company dedicated to the development and implementation of computerized management solutions and the formulation of operating models.

Our focus is to turn organizational operations into an engineering issue, emphasizing management, integration, change and training.

We highlight one of our products:

- H4S (Highway for Sales), commercial solution and logistics for distributors
- Smart Shopping, mobile system for points of sale
- Estate Manager, system for common expense managers

Nuestras actividades incluyen:
- Management consulting
- Software development
- Implementation of own and third-party systems
- Development and training of computerized business process management teams within organizations


We do not have.


Since 2015 we are in an internationalization plan in Chile with the aim of strengthening our relationship with a local partner.

Staff: 12
Year of constitution : 2007
Languages: English and Spanish.

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