ITC S.A. is a public owned company (owned by ANTEL) that operates within the framework of Private Law.
Company's presentation
About us?
ITC S.A. is a public owned company (owned by ANTEL) that operates within the framework of Private Law.
What do we do?
ITC is dedicated to providing consulting services, professional advice and technical assistance in telecommunications, information technology, as well as strategic and operational management. ITC fulfills different functions demanded by its clients: reliable technical authority, specialized consultant, system integrator and solutions.
Who do we work for? For companies and other organizations, public and private, located in Uruguay and abroad. Generally intensive users of information and communications. In sectors such as Telecommunications, Public Services, Banking and Finance, Transport, Industry, Agribusiness, Health, Education, National Government and Local Governments.
Our service areas:
- Telecommunications.
- Planning and Development of telecommunication systems projects in all their variants (fixed and mobile telephony, data, internet).
- Preparation of bidding documents, selection of offers and evaluation of proposals in equipment acquisition processes.
- Monitoring and technical counterpart in technology incorporation processes.
- Diagnosis, design and supervision of communications infrastructure maintenance.
- Design and rationalization of corporate telecommunications systems.
- Technical, organizational and process consultancy in telecommunications companies.
Information Technology
- Advice for the definition and adoption of strategic technology plans.
- Diagnosis of functional and technological requirements in processes of selection and implementation of systems.
- Advice during the selection and acquisition of software.
- Projects of computerization of services and processes.
- Internetization projects, including E-government, E-business, E-learning.
- Advice for the definition, development and implementation of computer security procedures.
- Network architecture design, Internet interconnection, security architecture, "firewalling", etc.
- Management Consulting.
- Advice on organization, planning and processes in telecommunication companies.
We have carried out several projects abroad, some of our experiences are shown below:
ASETA - Ecuador - Fire System for CNT - Support in the process of acquisition of a fire fighting system for telecommunications and IT equipment rooms of the CNT
Aseta - CNT - Ecuador - Advice, assistance in business management and planning (marketing and commercial) and support in the implementation of the mobile services business plan within the convergent strategy of the CNT.
Carboclor - Argentina - IT Strategy - Support in the process of improvement and renewal of the IT sector in issues of systems architecture, information security, organizational change management and IT planning.
COMTECO - Bolivia - Feasibility Analysis 3G Network - Review of the preliminary draft of the implementation of a 3G network for COMTECO, with the purpose of confirming the general guidelines of the same, the business plan and the flow of funds, the calculations made for the sizing of the teams involved and the cost estimates of the necessary infrastructure.
COPACO - Paraguay - Advice for the acquisition of telecommunications operator. Strategic analysis related to the acquisition of Vox (mobile operator of the Paraguayan market) and technical valuation of the fair value of the business.
COPACO - Paraguay - Technical Due Diligence - Technical Advice for the acquisition of company Conexión S.A.
CNT - Ecuador - 3G Project - Evaluation of offers to acquire 3G equipment for CNT. Preparation of a reference report on 3G equipment prices.
DNP - Colombia - MVNO - Analysis of the technical, economic, market and impact conditions of the implementation of Mobile Virtual Operators in the mobile telephony sector of Colombia for voice and data services.
COPACO – Paraguay – Asesoramiento para la adquisición de operador de telecomunicaciones. Análisis estratégico relativo a la adquisición de Vox (operador móvil del mercado paraguayo) y valuación técnica sobre el valor razonable del negocio.
COPACO – Paraguay – Due Diligence Técnico – Asesoramiento Técnico para adquisición de empresa Conexión S.A.
CNT – Ecuador – Proyecto 3G – Evaluación de ofertas para adquisición de equipamiento 3G para CNT. Elaboración de Informe de Referencia de precios de equipamiento 3G.
DNP – Colombia – MVNO – Análisis de las condiciones técnicas, económicas, de mercado y de impacto de la implementación de Operadores Móviles Virtuales en el sector de telefonía móvil de Colombia para los servicios de voz y datos.
MICSE - Ecuador - LPG and Fuels Management System - Design, development and implementation of a centralized computer system and design of a mechanism for the distribution of liquid fuels to control its commercialization. Realization of the design of the business model to be implemented.
PWC - Ecuador - Etapa EP - Support in the definition of the short and medium term strategy of the Ecuadorian state telecommunications company Etapa. Support in telecommunications processes under the eTOM scheme.
VR Solutions - Ecuador - CERT Planning - Planning for the creation of a CERT in Ecuado
Staff: 120
Year of constitution : 2000
Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
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