The LATU coordinates and carries out international technical cooperation activities for the standardization and technical regulation of products and services and the evaluation of their conformity. It also works as a technology park.
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The LATU is a national and international referent in innovation, technology transfer and value solutions in analytical, conformity assessment, metrological and technological services. It promotes the scientific and entrepreneurial culture, as well as the development of technological platforms.
With more than 50 years, it constitutes a support for the development of the productive chain and quality certification for the world with its analytical support to the industry and the agroindustrial chains - dairy, forestry, textile, cereals, oleaginous and its derived products- , as well as for the collaboration with the improvement of the national production and its insertion in the most demanding markets.
Through its Technological Park, the LATU has formed an ecosystem of companies and organizations linked to ICT, entrepreneurship and knowledge. It has propitiated an ideal scenario for the close exchange of relevant actors of the entrepreneurial scope at a national level and for the dissemination of knowledge.
El LATU coordina y realiza actividades de cooperación técnica internacional para la normalización y reglamentación técnica de productos y servicios y la evaluación de su conformidad.
De esta forma contribuye, de acuerdo a la normativa vigente, al desarrollo sostenible de la producción nacional, el establecimiento y reconocimiento internacional del sistema nacional de evaluación de su conformidad y la facilitación del acceso a los mercados de los productos uruguayos.
The LATU coordinates and carries out international technical cooperation activities for the standardization and technical regulation of products and services and the evaluation of their conformity.
In this way, according to current regulations, it contributes to the sustainable development of national production, the establishment and international recognition of the national system for assessing compliance and the facilitation of access to markets for Uruguayan products.
The conformity assessment is the demonstration that the specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person or body are met. These requirements can be established in a standard or technical regulation. The field of conformity assessment includes defined activities such as testing, inspection and certification.
To carry out the above, different tasks are developed. In relation to the standardization and technical regulation of products and conformity assessment, LATU supports the implementation of public policies, represents the country in international forums and relates to its national and international counterparts. In addition, it plans technical-commercial negotiation activities to contribute to the elimination of the "technical barriers" to exports.
Specifically LATU, together with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), participates in the National Coordination of the SGT No. 3 of MERCOSUR "Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment".
LATU is the focal point of the Codex Alimentarius in Uruguay. In addition to being the contact with the Codex Alimentarius Commission, it acts as the Secretariat of the National Committee.
Likewise, LATU promotes programs and projects of technical cooperation and exchange with organizations, both Uruguayan and other nationalities.
LATU is also the National Metrological Institute. The National Law of Metrology (Law 15298/82) assigns LATU "the responsibility of the maintenance, custody and dissemination of national standards of measurement", and of "maintaining links with the International Bureau of Weights and Measures as well as related organizations" .
Uruguay is a signatory of the Metro Convention since 1908. LATU is a founding member of the Inter-American Metrology System and has been actively involved since its foundation. In October 1999, in support of world trade, the CIPM established the "Mutual Recognition of the National Standards of Measurement and the calibration and measurement certificates issued by the national metrology institutes" through the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA), of which LATU is a signatory since its foundation. The objective of the MRA is to provide the technical basis for the worldwide acceptance of such patterns and certificates. This agreement provides the basis for international recognition, through the realization of international comparisons of patterns, the interregional review of measurement capabilities and their publication on the BIPM website.
To develop these tasks, LATU is linked to different actors at regional and international level, such as: MERCOSUR, FAO, Codex Alimentarius, Organization of American States, World Trade Organization, Inter-American Network of Food Analysis Laboratories (INFAL), Bureau International des Poids et Messures (BIPM), International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) of Argentina, National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO) of Brazil, National Institute of Technology and Standardization INTN of Paraguay and National Institute of Normalization INN of Chile, among others.
Year of constitution : 1965
Languages: English and Spanish.
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