Parque Productivo Uruguay

The biggest industrial, logistics and services park in the country. Located very close to the capital city, Montevideo, in the metropolitan area. With all tax and fiscal benefits granted by uruguayan legislation to usuers installed with us.

Last update: 12/07/2020

Company's presentation

The largest industrial park of services and logistics in Uruguay. It covers an area of ​​150 hectares, generating a unique location within a framework of strong industrial growth.

Our industrial park offers multiple solutions for the installation, from the sale of the land to the construction of the logistics and industrial warehouses for its lease to the end user.

We advise and assist the user in all the process from the decision making until the moment of its effective installation.



We provide foreign investors with all advisory needed for the installation of their companies in Uruguay, feasibility analysis, fiscal structure and impact, constructive solution, legal and accountable services.

Staff: 1
Year of constitution : 2009
Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

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