PwC Uruguay
At PwC Uruguay there are more than 400 talents from different areas who work side by side to prepare organizations for what is to come.
Company's presentation
Our mission at PwC Uruguay is to build trust in society and solve important problems.
We provide professional audit services, tax, legal and accounting consultancy, economic services and business consultancy, support in the implementation of projects, due diligence and business valuation, assistance in process redesign and business strategy, project management, assistance in human capital management, technologies management, cybersecurity, RPA (Robotic Process Automation), assistance in infrastructure projects, risk analysis and management and controls, and assistance in financial structuring.
We combine the knowledge and experience of our 400+ talents with the scope of the PwC global network to prepare organizations for what is to come and build a road to
We have four offices located in Ciudad Vieja, WTC Free Zone, Zonamerica Business & Technology Park and Punta del Este.
Back in the year 1920, we began our activities in Montevideo, in the area of external audit. Since then, we have been providing professional quality services, trust and value which allowed us to gain a solid reputation.
Experience in assisting foreign investors
We provide assistance to both national and foreign companies in order for them to settle their business in Uruguay, thus promoting foreign investment. We focus on investment and tax incentives in force, in legal and tax residences and in the migration and
international mobility of executives. We often find ourselves assisting new foreign investors from, among others, the agribusiness, forestry, pulp, energy, transport and financial sectors.
More information on: https://www.pwc.com.uy/es/vivir-e-invertir-en-uruguay.html
International Presence
PwC Uruguay is part of a network of member firms with presence in 157 countries and has over 740 offices and 276,000 people committed to optimizing the performance of companies, creating value and helping such companies achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
Staff: 400+
Year of Constitution: 1920
Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.
Name: Patricia Marques | Diego Tognazzolo
Phone: (598) 2916 0463
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