Complete the following form to join the Directory of Services of Uruguay XXI.
English Others Portuguese Spanish
Number of employees (multiple choice) 1 to 10 employees 10 to 50 employees 50 to 100 employees 100 to 250 employees 250 to 500 employees More than 500 employees
Does your company have experience with foreign clients? Yes No
Does your company have an international presence? Yes No
Accounting and Tax services Agribisiness consulting Architecture, Engineering and Construction Banks Business consulting Cannabis consulting Certifying entities Customs Brokers Economic consulting Environment: Cconsulting and waste management Free ports and airports Free Zones Industrial Parks Insurance companies IT Legal services Logistic operators Marketing & Communication Office and commercial equipment Offices and co-working spaces Real estate services for companies Relocation services Telecommunications and Data Center Training Transport
Logo (size: 600x600 pixels, in .png or .jpg format)
Select department Artigas Canelones Cerro Largo Colonia Durazno Flores Florida Lavalleja Maldonado Montevideo Paysandú Río Negro Rivera Rocha Salto San José Soriano Tacuarembó Treinta y Tres
Uruguay XXI is not responsible for the information provided by the company. It is the duty of the owners to keep the information and their data updated, so that they correspond to reality. Any false or inaccurate statement made as a result of the information and data provided will be the sole responsibility of the owners of the information.