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PuntaTech Meetup 2018

PuntaTech Meetup is an annual event that every January brings together technology leaders in Punta del Este. The spirit of this Conference is to connect the main actors of the IT and business environment, and to promote networking in a relaxed and natural environment.
2018 will celebrate it's 10th edition, gathering the best of the regional and international Tech leaders, entrepreneurs and our community. Dating back to 2008, #PTM is the realization of a common vision brought together by three leading Uruguayan entrepreneurs: Pablo Brenner, Sergio Fogel and Ariel Pfeffer. What started as a casual gathering of industry leaders vacationing in Punta del Este, became a privileged space for relaxation and business opportunities.
Last year's edition (2017) was unprecedented in its attendance record: more than 1,200 people.
#PTM works as a meeting point for VCs, Angel Investors, Government, Business People and Entrepreneurs. Also includes journalists and media from around the region and the world are also present at the meetup.
If you are keen to discover new projects and find STEM talent you are looking for, this is the perfect site to do so. summer time in Punta del Este can be one of your lifetime experiences, being invited by us to clinics and wokshops, investors and entrepreneurs speed dating. It's not only about hardwork, it's also about the experience at VIP asado dinners and welcome parties.
About Uruguay: Because it is the most reliable and stable country in LATAM. Located in one of the most economically attractive regions in the world, with a great tech environment that pushes digitalization and innovations to a new level.
- Multilingual, highly qualified STEM professionals
- Similar time zone and cultural affinity
- World-class Tech infrastructure
- Tech-savviness (all children have laptops provided by the government, and all
students have taken at least two years of computer science by age 15) - Outstanding tax benefits and government incentives
- FDI track record: Atos, BASF, Globant, IBM, Mercado Libre, Microsoft, Netsuite, Sabre, TATA Consultancy Services, Verifone, among others.
- Safe, open and enjoyable place to live
Why Punta del Este? Beautiful beaches, upscale resorts, stylish nightclubs, fine restaurants and wineries make it the best option for executives and their families. More reviews about the city, here
We are ready to assist you and work on your tailored agenda.
Don't hesitate to contact us itindustry@uruguayxxi.gub.uy